About Us
We are a grassroots, youth-led, evidence-based movement based in Botswana. We identify, adapt and scale-up health and education programs, by young people for young people.
Our Mandate
Evidence Based
We comb academic papers for relevance to our mission, model and niche, and sufficiently rigorous evidence. Our team sifts through jargon, equations and other arcane details tucked away in these papers, and then pulls out and codifies the theory of change behind the proven social impact. We then solicit feedback from experts in the field and put pen to paper, creating evidence-based curriculum. The final step in the translation process is personifying our curricula via trained peer facilitators who deliver our evidence-based messages in partnership with government in schools throughout Eastern and Southern Africa, continuing to learn as we scale.
For youth by youth
We believe proven health and education needs to be taught by youth for youth. You can't send old officials to teach kids about sex and stigmatized topics. It doesn't work. It's not relatable. It's boring. It doesn't have impact. We make sure the messages we pick up - the ones research has shown work -- also get delivered in a way our target audience deserves: by youth for youth.
Our Mission
Connect youth to proven life-saving information.
Our Values